Leonard Howell JMG 4-H Leaders Round Up
vie, 11 oct
|Empress Zaria’s Bud n Breakfast
Leonard Howell JMG 4H Leadership Training bring PERMACULTURE and LEADERSHIP skills to Jamaican girls

Horario y ubicación
11 oct 2024, 10:20 – 13 oct 2024, 14:20
Empress Zaria’s Bud n Breakfast, G687+8F, St.Bran's Burg, Jamaica
Acerca del evento
Youth Leadership Round-up Coming to St, James, St Mary, and St Ann
Leadership training is more accessible than ever to girls in Jamaica thanks to the Leonard Howell Junior Master Gardener 4H Leadership Training, named in honor of one of Jamaica’s most esteemed and unrecognized leaders.
The 2 day JMG leadership training will target girls from St Ann, St Mary, and St James and the will bring middle- and high-school girls together for hands-on planting skill sessions and critical dialogue around the future of agribusiness development in Jamaica.
“The JMG Community 4-H Club’s Leadership program will fulfill Jamaica 4H’s mission of providing education, research, and outreach in youth development,” The Howell JMG Leadership Training Director, Karen Francis said. “This is how the Leadership training originated: We, the members of UIC’s Education Reform Committee asked, ‘How can we engage more youth to show up authentically for themselves, as well as for…